Onboarding Scavenger Hunt

Good employee onboarding has been proven to increase employee retention and engagement. Use this fun onboarding activity to make a memorable impact on your new team members.

Onboarding Scavenger Hunt

First Impressions Matter

How do you want your employees to feel about your company when they begin their career there?

Do you want to be a fun place to work that is different?

Turning onboarding from a stack of papers to an interactive Scavenger Hunt can make this critical moment in the employee lifecycle fun, engaging, and memorable - meaning you'll retain the recruits you worked so hard to get on your team.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why should we invest in employee onboarding?

Companies with a formal employee onboarding program are proven to increase employee retention by up to 80%, and those that use onboarding gamification have 36% higher employee retention than those that don’t.

What are some of the benefits of a formalized employee onboarding process?

Besides the very nice feeling of being well-organized and getting more done, employees are proven to stay with companies longer that have formal onboarding programs. They also become productive faster, helping everyone!

How will this guide help me to drive business results?

See above! You cannot invest too much time in employee onboarding. Productive employees are critical to your business's success.

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